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Aug. 9th, 2009


Okay hai there.

I stopped being a lazyass and finally decided to create a post.

Elijah could use some lines. And if anyone ever wants to thread, feel free to PM me.
She has an ex-boyfriend, September and he's her only ex-boyfriend, so that's a closed line.

She's a witch btw.
A new love interest.

All that good stuff. Comment here and we can discuss!

Jul. 8th, 2009


Hey guys. I've been in the game with Shya for a bit now and I haven't gotten a chance to have her interact with other characters outside of comments since other storylines seem to be pretty established and what not. I don't want to lose her voice, so I'm going to try to pimp her out and see if there's any lines out there that need to be filled or if anybody would like to scene with her? Let me know!

Jun. 27th, 2009


Amanda (Ace), again, bringing you Ernesto Bolivar -- though, he prefers just being called by his last name. He is a 35 year old were-jaguar, originally from Colombia. He has a bit of a split personality, he can be very friendly, nice, kinda but sometimes he can be an introvert, have a short fuse, bugging out over anything.

His story is somewhat simple, his long time girlfriend was murdered by La FARC (La Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia [translation: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia]) which is a communist guerilla group that lives in the mountains and jungles of Colombia and Venezuela (mostly). Since, he has used his ... special ability to help the armed forces of his country against both La FARC and drug traffickers, which work closely with La FARC. He was picked up by the CIA because of his extraordinary skills, he worked for the CIA for a few years before all of this happened and he was brought to the reserve.

If anyone would like to plot you can IM me at: brazen royalty or email me at: PMs and comments are fine, too.

Jun. 26th, 2009


I've been looking at this game for a while now, and I think I'm finally going to make a jump in over here. I'm having a hard time choosing what species to go with, or I might just go human. Who's wanted more? William Moseley, Zac Efron, Milo Ventimiglia, or Taylor Kitsch?

Jun. 13th, 2009


I'm kind of in desperation mode for Val here. I love her to bits, but her fiance Aaron hasn't been around for three months. She's a really sweet girl, I swear. She just... does nothing, interaction wise. Occasionally, she talks to JD about Aaron not being around, or trying to unload all the food she'd cooked on him. She works at the Liffey, she watches Nate and Kate Williams when she's not working and Lily and Con are, and she cooks out of nerves. Seriously. You can come up to her apartment, and there would be food EVERYWHERE. But as for options of what to do with her it comes down to: let her sit and see if Tina comes back and maybe get their wedding into planning stages, drop her (don't want that), or figure something else out.

Send her love? Please? She's Danneel Harris!

May. 24th, 2009


Hiya, my name is Mel and I bring to you, the complex character -- Michelangelo Santollini. Michelangelo currently goes by the name Michael Santollini, he is a 534 years old vampire from Florance, Italy. He was the great artist Michelangelo, later known as Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni being he left all his work to his young apprentice when Annia ( [info]annia ) turned him into a vampire when he was 32. Michael is what you can call a lost soul, even so he thinks he is the shit.

Hit me up for some plotting at putsoutthelight.

May. 23rd, 2009


Okay guys. I was away on hiatus for quite a bit of time, and am finally returning. I am also in dire need of lines for ALL of my characters. So please if any of them strike an interest IM me @ marrokict and just mention it's OOC. I'd love lines with as many of you as possible!! Also welcome to anyone that joined in my absence!!!

Marion - He is a 2,235 year old Vampire. His brother and sister are both Elder's. He is one of the leader's of the Meat Eaters. Had once been imprisioned for killing, torturing, and slaughtering his own kind, and somehow survived. Has sired many throughout the years. Can hold an aire of arrogance about him at times, but easily opens up to be more then just. A bit on the flirty side. Out spoken without care. Can be very cold hearted.

Marrok - A 400 year old vampire, who was sired by Marion. He has three chyldren of his own [two female and one male all open for play] and an adopted chyld, Candy. He can be a bit of a shy type, and very much still intact with his more human side. Has a thoroughly tortured past that he would rather forget mostly about, but also caused quite a bit of trouble as well. Which is also why he is here, known pretty well for being able to take down entire towns in a night.

Oleander Parker -  30 year old human. Veternarian by occupation who also happens to be specializing in Were Creatures. Is originally from Birch Creek only leaving for college before returning home to open a clinic. Is the only human in her family, the rest of them being WereBear's. Is a bit of a work-aholic. A Virgin, which adds to her already lovely fear of Vampires in general. Is naturally a very friendly person, and easy to get along with. 

Jake Daly - A 29 year old WItch. Older brother to June Daly not to mention the numerous family members around town. Mechanic at BJs. Besides being a witch he has Low Latent Inhibition, which does improve his skills greatly. Divorced after a very short marriage to a woman he met in Vegas. An all around good guy, with a big heart. Sometimes a temper problem. Can be a goofball, and a smartass. Is originally from Ohio.


Hello! I'm Ace or just A, I bring you Marcus Lucius Aelius, known presently as Marcus de Aelius. He is an 1,908 year old vampire that looks like the beautiful Henry Cavill, he was 26 when Marione turned him. He's something of an emotional wreck, always has been since he was turned. He's mostly a loner, reserved, conservative. He minds his business and sticks to the people he knows. Mostly Annia. So ... he needs someone to shift his paradigm, lol, get him out of his box.

So, let's plot? ;]


Alright kiddies! It is I, Vicki (aka [info]maledwards), and I've brought in a new were. Meet Ed Riley, Desmond's cousin. He's a born werebear (Kodiak), hailing from Oregon and beta of the Lost Pack. Yay.

He's a former CIA agent, so he'd know the ins and outs of the government (and still has connections with them that he uses for his own benefit, hush hush) manager turned owner of the Aurora Bakery and freelance writer for the paper. Even with the agent past, he's a goofball and a really nice guy. And loves to eat baked goods. Can he bake himself? Hardly. But he has a mind for business, and there are other people who can do all the hard labor.. plus it would be good to sell edible food.

Check out his bio!

May. 22nd, 2009


Hello, hello, hello! This is Alyse again and I just brought in Annia Rupilia. She is a 1, 898 year old vampire, but she looks like she's 27 years old. She was born in Rome, but left after she was sired because she was scared about placing any harm on her family. So between then and now, she has sired one other person, traveled to numerous countries, and reunited with a past love. For the most part, Annia is a very caring person and can be friendly. However, the friendly part usually takes a while. She tends to stand back and observe people first to determine whether or not they pose any kind of a threat before she warms up to them. There's quite a bit more to her, so feel free to read about Annia in her bio. As far as lines are concerned, I'm very open with pretty much anything, so feel free to shoot some ideas my way!


I'd figure I would post this before I leave to go bowling, but anyways!

Hi everyone! I'm Kat and I bring you William Manchester, PBed by the ever-so awesome Zachary Quinto. William is a 308 year old vampire (he appears 30, though) and originally from England. He came to the United States around 1800 simply because he grew tired of his mother country. He's not the type to stay in one place for too long, preferring to only stay a brief period of time before leaving to another place. He doesn't speak much and prefers to keep to himself because he doesn't like to draw much attention to himself, which is one of the main reasons why he enjoyed living in large cities; it was easier to blend in among ordinary folk. When he first heard about the public's knowledge of the supernatural, William only had ears for all the negative comments humans had to say. It made him feel ashamed and disgusted with who he was, and he refused to feed, withering away until he was practically nothing. However, [info]maledwards abandonment of him snapped him out of it, and he soon recovered from his actions. He went for town to town after that, trying to look for Mal until he was turned into authorities and sent to live in Birch Creek. He's been there for about a month and he already doesn't like it. The town's too small for his taste and it's harder to blend in when everyone practically knows everyone else. He's not very trusting of people, nor does he open up very easily, but if you're persistent, he's bound to give in eventually.

But, yeah, that's William in a nutshell. His bio is in his journal, if you want to take a look and I can't wait to RP with you all!

May. 14th, 2009


Ugh. I haaaaaaate to do this, but like.. Okay. Noki's doing NOTHING for me. But he's an important character. So.. I'm pleading. Would ANYONE be willing to adopt him? Hand over the journal and all. History, family, lines, everything. Please?

May. 10th, 2009


Does anyone want a line with this guy? He needs some cheering up, he's on the emo side right now. Mike's 28, a bartender at the Liffey, and a fireman. And he's Jared lickable Padalecki.



hey folks, this is the newest addition to the teen scene - elijah heyes, but you, most certainly, should call and consider him as "eli". he's a witch and a joker, seventeen years old, but he's lived here with his mother and brother since he was fifteen. i've got him working at payday so shoppers will endure his delightful personality on a part-time basis.

as for his history, he lived in cassadaga, florida until the hatred for supernaturals made it unsafe. after the riots broke out, his brother moved them here (his father died when he was very little), and here they've remained.

you can expect this kid to be friendly and, sometimes, a little cheesy. i need everything. the rest is in his bio.

(anyone else love star trek?)


Okay, we're in need here. Cheveyo got removed during the clean out, so we're looking for someone to pick up the Avonaco's second youngest. He's a really sweet kid, quiet, kinda the responsible one. He was Dakota's Beta until Viho arrived which was today. Age wise he's only 17. Neeeeed him!! PB is Taylor Lautner

Also, we're looking for someone to pick up Viho, the Avonaco kids' uncle. They thought he was dead, he's not and he's back and is going to become Alpha of the pack. Yeah. Dakota was Alpha. So it's kinda dramatic. He's not an asshole though, actually is a pretty nice guy if not just very traditional. PB is Benjamin Bratt.

I can help with SL's and icons for both!! If anyone's interested in either of these roles, just let me know!!

May. 7th, 2009


Hi everyone! My name’s Alyse and I’m brand new to the SL. I’m warning you now, I’m a little nervous so I may ramble on a bit in this post. Anywho! I just brought in 23 year-old Shya M. Lee of New York City. Did I forget to mention that she’s a witch? Shya didn’t learn about her magic until she was going through puberty and she has pretty much kept the fact that she is a witch to herself. The reason for is this because she doesn’t know how she was lucky enough to get the magic gene since her mother isn’t a witch (her dad is a witch, but Shya was the lovely creation of a one-night stand) and her step-father is extremely anti-supernatural. Shya made the excuse to her family that she was moving to Europe to further her career with being a hairstylist/make-up artist. That wasn’t really a complete lie since she did move and is working as a hairstylist at Birch Creek Barbershop/Salon. Her move to Birch Creek is extremely recent and she’s trying to adjust from living in a big city to well…a reserve.

I’d love to get some lines for her! Friends, co-workers, people who could help her adjust to her new life on the reserve, or maybe people who’d want to make it a little difficult. I’m completely open to ideas! Feel free to shoot me an IM at either shya has style (IC sn) or onebluerose431 (my OOC sn)!

Apr. 29th, 2009


So.. I'm still trying guys. TRYING HARD. Lots of lines keep getting filled, and that is AWESOME. BUT! I'm STILL looking for THESE TWO VERY IMPORTANT LINES!

MASON GORDON! Has NOT been in game yet. He'd be moving here right after he graduates from college in May. WITCH. 21 years old, plays lots of sports and is obsessed. From NEW JERSEY, could have gone to college anywhere. He's probably the most sensitive, a goofball, and REALLY close with Ashton and Delilah. And he's probably the most affected by the fact that their mother doesn't seem to love them.

SIMON MARCH! He HAS been in game before, so he's got LOTS of lines! He's living here now, but we just play him off like he's the quiet one that works a lot. Was in the military (whatever branch is up to you) for four years, over in Iraq. He's jumpy and really quiet, sweet, but still gets into the typical March antics. 23, HUMAN. Works at BINDINGS. From California. has the same specific and family backstory that the others do. Would have four brother lines with [info]gmarch, [info]petemarch, [info]drewmarch, & [info]surialmarch, as well as co-workers and friendships, including with Delilah!

SO. PLEASE? Anyone? ONE of those? It'd be SO. SO awesome! We REALLY need them.


Apr. 26th, 2009


Hey guys, this is Sara again with character 5.

This is Gwen Jackson. She's 16 and a Junior in high school. She used to live in Washington, D.C. and moved to Birch at the beginning of the school year (so almost a year-ish, kinda). Her father has a job with the FBI and last year got promoted to be in charge of the SART team for Birch Creek.

Her family has old money so she's extremely rich. She's spoiled and if she doesn't get her way she won't just complain, she'll mess you up. She's not afraid to work hard to get what she wants and does anything to be the best. She hates supernaturals of any kind, and also hates poor people. She used to go clubbing and partying all the time, but hates that she can't sneak into the bars here. She has been known to threaten people with her father.

She needs people that she wouldn't have to hate? People she hates more?

It would be really awesome if some wanted to pick up an adult to pick up her father.

Apr. 18th, 2009


Does anyone want a line with Mike Daly here? He wears cowboy hats from time to time, is a human Daly in Alaska and therefor must bundle up, and let's not forget how tasty he looks while shirtless. He's a fireman and a bartender down at the Liffey.

He can has some loves?

Apr. 15th, 2009


Hey! :D This is Alicia Kowalczyk. She's 15, friends with Hallie already, and I have to talk to Ivan to cement whether she's trying OUT for the squad or if she's already on.
Cut for length! )
She'll need friends and enemies, because there's always SOMEONE to talk about, boys to crush on, boys that potentially like her? Friends and role-models. She'll eventually think about joining the Lost pack because she's having a terrible time with changing. We like any kind of plot! :D Her AIM is amazing aliciaa and mine is crazypantsmk!

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